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This article results from a controversy, starting in February 202, that I (Martin Mainberger) had with Gunter Schöbel, director of the Unteruhldingen Pfahlbaumuseum. The occasion was an essay (J. Goldhammer, M. Mainberger, Von Pfählen und Planken im See - Siedlungs- und Schiffsarchäologie im Bodensee. In: F. Huber (Hrsg), Zeitreisen unter Wasser. Spektakuläre Entdeckungen zwischen Ostsee und Bodensee (Darmstadt 2021). In this article, Schöbel found the role of his predecessor Hans Reinerth in the history of underwater archeology on Lake Constance and the importance of the pile dwelling museum as an institution not sufficiently represented.

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