
Bahnhöfle Grunern - 79219 Staufen im Breisgau - ++4915 221904761 - info at uwarc.de

Degersee - Altenburg - Großer Glasowsee: Sep 2022

Underwater Metal Detection

Metal detectors are commonly attributed to treasure hunting rather than to archaeology or to cultural heritage management. However, there are archaeological sites where the systematic use of metal detecting technology has provided with evidence that would not have been discovered by other means or even would have been lost by construction engineering activities or by erosion. UwArc, assigned by cultural heritage management institutions, has used metal detectors in different archaeological environments dating from prehistoric up to modern time periods. UwArc´s most spectacular respective success was the discovery of copper pendants dating back to the 4th millennium BC.

2022-10-02, Methodology; underwater archaeology; Unterwasserarchäologie; metal detection; Rhine River; Lake Degersee; Lake Großer Glasowsee Neolithic; Iron Age; Modern Times
Degersee: 04/2018

Sub-Bottom Profiler and SideScanSonar deployed at a Neolithic site at Degersee, Southern Germany

Hydroacoustic technology is a powerful tool for underwater archaeological research. It allows for the rapid, consistent, non-invasive assessment of large submerged areas, both surfaces and sediments, and is a source of hydrographic baseline data which is in many cases indispensable for the investigation of singular objects like shipwrecks as well as whole submerged landscapes. weiterlesen

2018, Martin Mainberger; Degersee; methodology; hydrography; hydroacoustics; underwater archaeology; Unterwasserarchäologie; Pfahlbauten; prehistoric lake shore settlements; Neolithikum; Neolithic;
Degersee: 2009

DFG-Projekt "Degersee"

Der Degersee ist ein kleines Gewässer unweit Kressbronn am Bodensee. In der Wissenschaft ist der See bereits in den 1960er Jahren wegen seiner bis an das Ende der letzten Eiszeit zurückreichenden Sedimentabfolgen bekannt geworden. weiterlesen