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UwArc hat seit 2006, jeweils beauftragt vom Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, immer wieder unterwasserarchäologische Untersuchungen auf der Klosterinsel durchgeführt. Zunächst standen Schiffsfunde des Hochmittelalters im Fokus. In Folge neuer Beobachtungen Reichenauer Fischer und Uferanwohner wurde 2019 dann erstmals die gesamte Flachwasserzone rund um die Insel zum Zielgebiet. Seither ist immer klarer geworden, dass die Grenzen der Klosterinsel nicht allein durch ihre Strände markiert sind. In der laufenden Ausgrabungskampagne erhalten vor allem mysteriöse Pfahlreihen am Nordufer besondere Aufmerksamkeit.
Medienerklärung des RegierungspräsidiumsUmbettung eines Schiffsfundes von 1476 n. Chr (Nordufer)
Umbettung eines Schiffsfundes von 1370 n. Chr (Genslehorn)
In the framework of a monitoring programme started by the a Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Dienststelle Hemmenhofen UwArc documented wooden constructions in the shallow water zone near the Northern shore. At three different locations, all of them in close vicinity to the three medieval churches of Reichenau - Oberzell, Reichenau - Mittelzell and Reichenau - Niederzell long rows of oaken piles occur at the lake bottom. It remains open if the pile rows are only sections of a installation that originally lined the whole northern shore. Dendrochronological analysis will reveal the dating and the functional role of the medieval island with its famous monastery.
Reichenau Island is an outstanding example for the religious and cultural role of a large Benedictine monastery in the Medieval. It is part of UNESCO World Heritage since 2000. While the island itself has been subject to substantial historical and archaeological research, its lake shores and shallow water zones have hitherto remained more or less unknown. UwArc, assigned by the "Pile Dwellings Information Center" started now a first systematic asessment of the shallow water zones in the vicinity of the island. weiterlesen
Reichenau Island in Lake Constance, Southern Germany, is famous for its rich cultural heritage. The island is UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001. At all times, watercraft played an essential role in the religious, cultural, economic, and social life of the island. Archaeological remains of boats and ships are therefore important sources to the island´s history. weiterlesen
We know about two dozen shipwrecks of historical times that are preserved in the sediments of Lake Constance. Only few of them have been systematically investigated by archaeologists. Some of the so far known vessels are under threat by erosion, others suffer from damages caused by badly trained recreational divers. All of them are worth preserving for future researches. weiterlesen