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Konstanz-Litzelstetten: November 2021

Foto und Video

Sieger-Video der Video-Challenge zum Tag des Offenen Denkmals in Baden-Württemberg 2020 war ein 90-Sekunden-Video des Fördervereins Pahlbau-Welterbestätte Litzelstetten-Krähenhorn. Der Erfolg ermutigte zu einem Folgeprojekt. Das "Informationszentrum Pfahlbauten Baden-Württemberg" begleitet und unterstützt dieses Vorhaben. UwArc dokumentierte nun die betreffenden Uferabschnitte mit Unterwasseraufnahmen, die illustrierend in das neue Video eingeschnitten werden können.

Frank Gerber (2022): Video mit Unterwasseraufnahmen
2021-05-03, Martin Mainberger; Keywords: Litzelstetten-Krähenhorn; underwater archaeology; Unterwasserarchäologie, Unterwasserfotographie, UNESCO World Heritage site; Bodensee; Lake Constance; Pfahlbauten; prehistoric lake shore settlements;
Lippetal - Herzfeld: Aug 2020

Structure From Motion in a fluvial archaeological environment

On dry land, Structure From Motion (SFM) has been a well-established technique of archaeological documentation for some years now. In submerged sites it has remained to be exceptionable. The main reasons for that are restrictions resulting from poor visibilities or permanently changing subaquatic environments, as caused by currents.

The “Lippewrack” proved to be an example for such a complex task. The monument is positioned in 2,5m water depth. Photographing at visibility conditions of up to 1,5m was strongly handicapped by currents reaching values between 0,3 – 0,5m velocity. Problems occurred with the stabilizing of the camera as well as with objects floating into the scene during the documentation process. We needed four series of photo-shooting, summing up to 1135 singular pictures, to produce a 3D-model of the visible portions of the wreck. Due to problems of the software to match the pictures automatically, many photographs had to be added to the model manually. The result included a fully georeferenced orthophoto, plan and profiles.

Download 3d-model. (click; download; open pdf; (re-open pdf); click question mark; allow display of contents)

Read more about SFM-documentation of shipwrecks

Read more about SFM-documentation of complex settlement sites