
Bahnhöfle Grunern - 79219 Staufen im Breisgau - ++4915 221904761 - info at uwarc.de

Lake Constance: Apr 2024


In der Nachfolge des "Seewandel"- Projektes hat die Universität Konstanz mit ihrem FB Biologie - Limologischen Institut die ersten Geländearbeiten in ihrem Teilprojekt "Klimafolgenabschätzung für die Flachwasserbiozönosen des Bodensees" durchgeführt. UwArc hat die Einsatzleitung bei den Unterwasserarbeiten.

Mehr Information zu SeewandelKlima
2024-5-2, Martin Mainberger. Bodensee; Lake Constance; limnology; ecology; Makrozoobenthos; shallow water zone
Bodensee: May 2022


The Quagga–mussel has been first observed in Lake Constance in 2016. Five years later, the aggressively invasive species is omnipresent, populating lake floors from the shallow water zones down to the deepest lake floors. Observations made in the framework of monitoring works of the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Dienststelle Hemmenhofen and the "Informationszentrum Pfahlbauten Baden-Württemberg" indicate that the world famous prehistoric settlement sites in the shallow water zones of Lake Constance are increasingly inflicted.

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2022-05-17, Martin Mainberger; Keywords: Quagga; invasive species; ecology; Unterwasserarchäologie; Underwater Archaeology; Cultural Heritage Management; Lake Constance Bodensee
Bodensee: Mar 2022

Frost Heave

Frost heave (German: Frosthebung, Frosthub) is a natural process well known to geologists and constructional engineers. It results from ice forming beneath the surface of soil during freezing conditions in the atmosphere. The physical phenomenon is closely connected to frost-susceptible, water-saturated soils. It causes considerable losses of underwater archaeological evidence at the shores of non-regulated pre-alpine lakes. At Lake Constance (D/CH/A) large areas of the shallow water zones fall dry in winter times, causing pile heads to “grow” from the frozen lake beds, freeze, and get subsequently destroyed .

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2020-08-03, Martin Mainberger; Keywords: Frost Heave; ecology; Frosthebung; Lake Constance; Bodensee; Cultural Heritage Management; Underwater Cultural
Schwarzenbachtalsperre, Black Forest, Forbach: 2019

Recovery of scientific Devices from a Dam

When technical devices of a University of Constance, Limnological Institute, Environmental Physics working group proved to be hooked up at the bottom of the Schwarzenbachtalsperre UwArc, in cooperation with the cooperation partner VIB Schlimper GMBH carried out a search&recovery survey.

2019-10-09, Martin Mainberger; Keywords: ecology - limnology - hydrology - geophysics; scientific diving - Hydrography
Lake Constance - Untersee: Summer 2019

Sampling of submerse Makrophytes in the Framework of the Seewandel Project

In the framework of the Seewandel-Projekt and assigned by University of Hohenheim, Institute of Landscape and Plant Ecology UwArc sampled underwater vegetation in Lake Constance - Untersee.

Final project report available
2019-09-09, Martin Mainberger; Bodensee; Lake Constance; Seewandel; submerse macrophytes; ecology; Scientific Diving;
Lake Constance - Bregenzer Bucht: 2019

Maintanance of technical Devices

Assigned and in close cooperation with University of Constance, Limnological Institute, Environmental Physics Group, UwArc supported the maintanance of technical devices with a Scientifc Diving Group.

2019-09-09, Martin Mainberger; Keywords: Lake Constance; Bodensee; ecology - limnology - hydrology - geophysics - Scientific Diving
Konstanz: 09/2017 – 03/2019

Gewässerkundliche Untersuchungen an „Steg Bodenseeforum“, Stadt Konstanz

Im Zusammenhang mit dem Neubau eines Anlegesteges für die Personenschifffahrt wurde eine ökologische und gewässerkundliche Untersuchung notwendig. UwArc führte im Auftrag der Stadt Konstanz, Amt für Stadtplanung und Umwelt das Monitoring der Gewässersohle durch.

09/2019, Martin Mainberger; Keywords: Lake Constance; Bodensee; limnology; ecology; Steg Bodenseeforum; Konstanz; scientific diving
Rhine River, Konstanz: Spring 2016

Scientific Diving in the Framework of the Remediation of a contaminated Site

Resulting of 19th and 20th century industrial installations some areas in the shallow water zone of the Seerhein at the City of Constance have ben polluted by industrial debris. Assigned by Arcadis Germany UwArc accompanied the remediation works with a diving team, carrying out documentation and sampling.