Roseninsel Consultancy

Roseninsel Island at the Starnbergersee is one of three sites in Bavaria that were inscribed into the World Heritage Site list in 2011. The site is famous for its rich archaeological potential, dating back to Neolithic and Bronze Age periods. A more than 13m long Late Bronze Age logboat, excavated in the 1980ies, and Iron Age construction foundations - the latest evidence on prehistoric pile dwellings in Germany - underline its archaeological importance. Medieval bridges prove the use of the island until modern times. Bavarian King Ludwig II used Roseninsel as a summer retreat. Today Ludwig´s Rose Garden is a popular tourist attraction.

As a first step to a systematic monitoring of the site, the Bayrisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege (Bavarian office for the protection of archaeological monuments) entrusted UwArc with the setup of a measuring system. which will be the basis for a systematic future observation of the site. Cooperating with our partners Ingenieurbüro Schlimper and Bayrische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie (BGFU), we positioned 168 measuring posts into the shallow water zone around Roseninsel. The oak posts will serve as measuring references for diving campaigns and for aerial photography as well.
Systematic monitoring at the site has started and will be continued in 2016.